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New Year, New Customers. Right?

Writer's picture: whittinghammarketingwhittinghammarketing

This article was originally written for Inside Magazine and was featured as part of our monthly column entitled The Inside On Social Media.

Firstly, a belated Happy New Year to all Inside Magazine readers. I hope you all had a wonderful festive season. I’m sure that for some of you January flew by, for others like myself it seemed to drag on for an eternity - either way, one thing is for sure, 2022 is well under way.

It is usually at this time of year that many of us conveniently forget about all those New Years Resolutions we set ourselves. The empty bottles of wine in the recycling bin reminds you that Dry January went unaccomplished and the several bacon sandwiches enjoyed on frosty January mornings is proof that Veganuary went the same way. However, when it comes to your business I urge you to make a resolution that sticks.

The gym membership may have already been cancelled, but I want you to make 2022 the year that you prioritise getting your companies marketing in shape. Whether it’s through social media, website/online advertising, or offline ads in superb local publications such as the one you’re holding in your hands - make your marketing work for you this year.

Some of my esteemed acquaintances in the marketing industry like to pretend that marketing is akin to rocket science. It isn’t. Put simply, regardless of what type of marketing you’re talking about, it all comes down to the same end goal; gaining new customers or clients by raising awareness of your product or service. That’s it. Done.

How you accomplish that can be done in a number of ways, many of which have been discussed in detail in this column in previous editions of Inside Magazine. But what I see too many business owners doing is sticking with the same old tired marketing strategy. Whether its grown stagnant, has stopped working, or never really did work I urge you to make 2022 the year when you stop accepting sub-standard marketing for your business and instead drive it forward with a fresh approach.

If you’re not active on social media, get started today. If you don’t have any offline ads, enquire about pricing now (I’m sure Liana would be very happy to hear from you!). If you don’t know what SEO means or how it can actually make your website generate clients then reach out to an expert today! Never used Google Adwords? Jump on YouTube now and see what you can learn. Whatever it is that you’re not doing, start doing!

As always, be honest with yourself. If you don’t have the time or inclination to learn and master these aspects of marketing then do not just write them off, instead outsource them to the many local experts, freelancers, and companies who make it their life’s work to be in the know on all things marketing (myself included!). Otherwise, invest some free time in mastering new & unused methods of promoting your business and mark my words 2022 will be the biggest & best year yet for you and your company.

I wish you and your business a happy & prosperous 2022, and as always I’ll be watching to see which local firms shine over the next 12 months.

Jordan J. Whittingham.

Inside Social Media.

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